FAQs Provide the Clues

Kickstarter FAQs

Q:  Nebula Rush is a completed game, so what’s the Kickstarter for?

It takes a lot of money to mass-produce a game — much more than the thousands of dollars that we’ve already spent.  Nebula Rush is a game that belongs in everyone’s game closet, so the purpose of this Kickstarter is to raise capital so that we can sell Nebula Rush to the largest audience possible.  We also are working on other games — a successful kickstarter for Nebula Rush will jumpstart development of those games as well.

Q:  How long after Kickstarter success before I get my game and rewards?

We’re still working with our American manufacturer on this, but the goal is to ship games about 4 months after receipt of funds from Kickstarter.  The Kickstarter starts in April 2022 and ends in May 2022, so you should have your Kickstarter investment delivered by the end of September 2022.

Q:  Isn’t it cheaper to produce games overseas?

In our opinion, no, because value to the customer is very important to us.  Producing our games entirely within America allows us more visibility into production, vastly improves quality control, and eliminates (for the most part) supply issues.  In short, “Made in the USA” means you get a high-quality game produced on time, while giving your neighborhood manufacturer an income.  It’s a win for you and it’s a win for us.

Game FAQs

Q:  What exactly do you mean by “endlessly replayable”?

Long Range Scan (LRS), which is each player’s game board, has over 7 billion different layouts, AND each player’s game board changes each turn.  In a typical hour and a half game, the permutations of LRS are literally uncountable.

Every turn, each player generates a Short Range Scan (SRS) around each ship they have in play.  There’s about 75,000 different SRS that can be displayed for each ship.  In a typical hour and a half game, the permutations of SRS aren’t as high as LRS, but still pretty much uncountable.

Each game has a puzzle to solve, most with multiple solutions (first one with a solution proved wins).  There are over 8 million different puzzles a game may have.

So yeah, endlessly replayable in the sense that you will never play the same game twice.


Q:  Wow!  Sounds Complicated!

Different? Yes!  Complicated?  No!  The basic rules are about 10 pages long with lots of examples, plus lots of How-To videos will be introduced during the Kickstarter.  Once you’ve played a couple of turns, you “get it” and you’re off and running!


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